DB and its types and its usage for modern needs ?

DB for website.
types of DB.

DB stands for “DataBase”. A Database is an organized collection of structed information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. Together data and DBMS along with the application.

Since DB used for back-end, it used mostly in access data of user. There are many types of database for different types of work. Thus DB plays a major part in website.

Types of DB

There are different kinds of DB for various work. Mainly its broadly divide into many types. They are :

1) Relational database 6) Object-oriented database
2) NoSQL database 7) key-value database
3) Cloud database 8) Hierarchical database
4) Columnar database 9) Document database
5) wide column database 10) Graph database
11) Time series database

Relational database

Relational DB have been around since 1970. Within the table rows and columns are used to access data. The relational Database management system. As a result, only structed data used. Moreover SQL – most used programming language for this.


Its a special type of database which doesn’t use SQL as its primary data access language. The main advantage is that developer can make changes to the database on fly.

Cloud DB

Its modern day software which uses on cloud. As a result, there is no need physical software installation. Finally because of its scalability, maintenance. Some example: AWS, google cloud.


Its used mainly in data warehouse. As name suggests, data only stored in columns only. Moreover No rows allowed to store or manipulate the data in database. Example: Hbase, MariaDB

Wide column

Wide column also called us wide column stores are schema-agnostic. Its stored in column families rather than rows and columns. Example : BigTable, Apache Cassandra and scylla.


Object-oriented database is only based on object-oriented programming language. Finally Its mostly use c++, java to conform ACID standard. Example: Wakanda, ObjectStore


One of the simplest forms of database is key-value database. Its also referred as key-value stores. Moreover, its highly scalable, can handle high volume of data. Example: DynamoDb, Redis


Its a type of NoSQL based on graph theory. As a result, Its helps to represent relationship between heterogeneous data points like fraud prevention etc. Some example: DataStax Enterprise Graph, Neo4J