Why aren’t our AI Assistants smarter?- Mechomotive

Why aren't our AI Assistants smarter? images

Hello Guys, today let’s discuss the topic “Why aren’t our AI Assistants smarter? ”. Have you ever wondered why?

AI technology is spreading worldwide & it will have its influence even in the future. With the tremendous rise of AI in marketing, sales, finance,etc. there is still something yet to be discovered. Artificial Intelligence is a vast topic. Hence, it is yet to be discovered and implemented. 

You must have experienced sometimes that Alexa, Siri interpret the wrong voice. Suppose you are in need of pampers and you tell Alexa to add pampers to your shopping list. But instead of pampers, Alexa hears cancers and adds to the list. These types of common mistakes our AI assistants are committing. Hence, our AI assistants aren’t that smarter.

Suppose Amazon manages to create an Alexa robot that can “explore the world”. It will have an AI that can navigate different environments and take orders from each client/customer. Hence, the only thing it does wrong is makes stupid mistakes every now and then.

Now, your question will be, what will this robot do?

Alexa has thousands of skills, but most of them are performing simple tasks. It can be playing music, answering queries, and interacting with smart home devices. Hence, I totally agree that these are the kind of things you could expect from an inanimate object.

But Alexa escapes this and does not have all the qualities. Hence, we expect our AI assistant to manifest human-like behavior and intelligence. Hence, we expect them to have many of the cognitive skills.

Why aren't our AI Assistants smarter?
Why aren’t our AI Assistants smarter?

Why aren’t our AI Assistants smarter? (LIMITATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)

  • HIGH COST OF IMPLEMENTATION. Setting up AI-based machines, computers, etc. 
  • CAN’T REPLACE HUMANS. It is not true that machines perform more efficiently as compared to a human being. 
  • Time for implementation may be lengthy depending on what you are implementing
  • Hence, lack of understanding of the state-of-the-art systems & integration challenges and other circumstances
  • Efficiency and interoperability with other softwares, system and platforms
Why aren’t our AI Assistants smarter?

To take an AI-driven technology, you should consider following things :-

  • customer privacy
  • potential lack of transparency
  • technological complexity