Clauses and it’s Kinds

use of should have

What are Clauses?

The group of words that forms a part of sentence and has a subject and a finite verb of its own are called Clauses.

Read the following examples for more details :

(a) Shivani lost a black sketch.

(b) Shivani lost a sketch which is black in colour.

In the example (a) ,

the group of words a black sketch forms a phrase because it doesn’t posses a finite verb.

In the example (b) ,

the group of words which is black in colour has a finite verb is and a subject which of its own .

Therefore , which is black in colour is a clause.

Note : A clause has only one finite verb.

What is the difference between Sentence ,Clause and Phrase ?

A group of words that makes complete sense and has atleast one finite verb is known as Sentence .

A group of words that makes sense but not complete sense and also do not have a finite verb is known as Phrase.

A group of words which forms a part of sentence and has a subject and a finite verb of its own is known as Clause.

Example : (a) Radhika saw a man wearing a Blue tuxedo.

In the above example , wearing a Blue tuxedo is a phrase because wearing is a non finite verb.

(b) Radhika saw a man who was wearing a blue tuxedo.

In this example , who was wearing a blue tuxedo is a clause because subject is who and the finite verb is was wearing.

Types of clauses –

S no.Clause
1.Noun Clause
2.Adjective Clause
3.Adverb Clause

1)Noun Clause :

A clause which performs the role of a noun is a Noun clause.

Read the following example for understanding the Noun clause in detail :

(a) Rucha thought that her puppy was lost .

Here , that her puppy was lost is a clause since it hacs it’s own subject her puppy and a finite verb was.

So , the above example shows that the clause acting as the object of the verb thought and doing the work of a noun . Therefore , we can say that the clause is noun clause.

(b) Rucha thought of a new year resolution.

Here , of a new year resolution acta as a noun as it answers the question : thought what ? , But it doesn’t have a finite verb or a subject .So , it is a noun phrase.

A noun clause does the following role in a sentence :

1) Noun Clause as the subject of a verb :

Ex. All that Nikita said was disagreed by Bulbul.

Here , Highlighted group of words is a noun clause as a subject of a verb was .

2)Noun Clause as the object of a verb :

Ex. Government hope that the vaccine of corona virus would be successful.

Here , the highlighted group of words is a noun clause as the object of the verb hope .

3)Noun clause as the object of the preposition to :

Ex. Era should listen to what Shlok is saying.

Here , highlighted group of words is a Noun clause as object of preposition to .

Note :

• A noun clause can also act as the object of an infinitive or the object of a participle.

• A noun clause may be introduced by that , if whether, why ,how, etc.

2) Adjective Clause :

A clause which performs the role of an adjective in a sentence is an adjective clause.

Ex . We are looking for a kitten which has black and white colour.

Here , which has black and white colour is a clause having subject which and a finite verb has .

Read the following example for understanding the adjective clause in detail :

(a) The magazine which is on the bed is hers.

(b) The magazine on the bed is hers .

Example (a) is of adjective clause whereas example (b) is of adjective phrase .

Note :

• An adjective clause is introduced by that, which, who , where , etc.

Relative pronounUsed for
• Who , whomLiving beings
• whichNon living beings
• thatBoth living and non living
• where Place

• An adjective clause is kept as near as possible to noun it describes.

3)Adverb clause :

A clause which performs the role of an Adverb inna sentence is called an Adverb clause.

for example : Kuldeep ran as if someone was snatching something from him.

here , as if someone was snatching something from him is a clause because it has subject someone and a finite verb was of its own.

Note : Adverb clause can be placed after the main clause or before it .

Adverb clause of time –

It shows the time of the action indicated by the verb and it is introduced by when , while , as , whenever , after , before or since.

Adverb Clause of place –

It shows the place of action and introduced by where or whenever .

Adverb clause of manner –

It shows the manner of an action.It is introduced by as , as ….so , as if , as though , in the way that or how .

Adverb Clause of reason –

It shows the reason behind the action and introduced by because, since , as or that .