Important Git Terminologies you should know

git terminologies you should know
Important git terms you should know

Git is a tool which is vast in terminology and jargon, which can often be off-putting for new users.

For those who want to improve their git skills should know these terminologies, in order to become git masters.

We cannot cover all the Git terms in this article but here some important ones-


A version of the repository that diverges from the main working project.


This command is used to switch branches in a repository.
git checkout master would drop you back into master.


Cherry-picking is used to apply some commit from one branch into another branch.


A clone is a copy of a repository or the action of copying a repository.


This command enables downloading and copying that branch’s files to your workstation.

Multiple branches can be fetched at once, and you can rename the branches when running the command to suit your needs.


It creates a copy of a repository.


HEAD is the representation of the last commit in the current checkout branch. We can think of the head like a current branch.


The working, or staging, area of Git. Files that have been changed, added and deleted will be staged within the index until you are ready to commit the files.


Merging is a process to put a forked history back together.

Pull/Pull Request

The term pull is used to receive data from GitHub.

It fetches and merges changes on the remote server to your working directory.

The git pull command makes a pull request.


The push term refers to upload local repository content to a remote repository.

Pushing is an act of transfer commits from your local repository to a remote repository.

Repository (“Repo”)

It contains the collection of the file as well as the history of changes made to those files.

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Also checkout >> Git and GitHub in software development