Yes! 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to conserve our natural Resources.

Reduce, Reuse and recycle are the magical words if implemented could change our lifestyle. Here’s a new journey which is a must needed journey of this decade to save our environment, save money and also to save the living beings existing in this planet.

The popular and well-known concept which we all have heard and read. That’s the 3R’s concept.


What is 3R’s?

The 3R: Reduce, Reuse, Re-cycle is a concept of managing waste products and to conserve natural resources ,land space and energy.

Why is 3R’s Important?

The main importance of 3R is to prevent pollution-which is a must needed prevention in many cities across the globe.

What happens if we don’t use the 3R’s?

If we, the humans living in this beautiful planet don’t reduce, reuse and recycle, we are directly destroying the natural habitats. We don’t have the freedom to destroy the habitat.


Destroying land.

Demolishing natural resources.

Death of more than 100000 marine mammals each year.



Reduce the amount of goods you consume- limit buying unwanted stuff. Think thrice before buying, don’t buy non-essentials and waste it, even food- buy it only if you would consume it before it expires.

Ways to reduce waste

Use reusable bottles.

Use reusable bags instead of plastics.

Reduce E-waste.


Reusing is nothing but giving a life to a product which is considered as waste kept to throw. Try to get most of it.

Ways to reuse

Use reusable things.

Go paperless.

Buy second-hand materials.


This is most valuable among the 3R’s, you will be familiar with the recycled goods such as papers, plastics and some other materials which a recycled.



Donate the old things- cloths, gadgets, food etc.

Go for exchange offers.

Go paper less, instead use note in your mobile.

Use eco-friendly and degradable things.


Conclusion- One good step can save lives, let’s take responsibility for our breath , let’s save our environment.

Make a change before it gets too late.

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