NASA Image Colorizer

NASA Image Colorizer Satellite Images

NASA Image Colorizer Satellite Images In black and white satellite images Introduction NASA Image Colorizer Satellite Images and other space agencies have numerous satellites in earth’s...

Secure Deep Reinforcement Learning- Mechomotive

Hello Guys, today let’s discuss the topic “Secure Deep Reinforcement Learning”. Reinforcement learning is known as “a core technology for modern artificial intelligence”. Deep Reinforcement...
Today's Trending Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and It’s Aspects

“A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in god” Definition : Artificial Intelligence and It's Aspects Artificial Intelligence and It's Aspects...

Artifical Intelligence.

How Should we define AI? Aritifical Intelligence : AI is currently a “hot topic”: media coverage and public discussion about AI is...


what is url? URL stands for " Uniform Resource Locator". It is a unique identifier to fetch the required web pages on Internet. Its also...
Humanoid robot

Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

What exactly is a ROBOTICS? Robotics is a branch of Artificial Intelligence. Which is developed from Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Science Engineering for designing, construction,...
big data and artificial intelligence

Application of Big-Data and AI in Finance

Firstly, let us have a brief introduction about Big-Data & AI - Big Data is high-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety data;this data is so large which...
AI Trends

The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Car in Automotive Industry

Hello Guys, today we are doing to discuss on the topic “The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Car in Automotive Industry “.  Automotive industry...
Great learning

AI: The Future Of Work & The Work Of The Future

Hello Guys, today we are going to discuss the topic “AI: The Future Of Work & The Work Of The Future“.  As we all know...

Artificial Intelligence vs Robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. AI algorithms can tackle learning, perception, problem-solving, language-understanding and/or logical reasoning. Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly....